Thursday 7 May 2009

illegal download response

This is a response to Robert Steer's (Rob's being bad blog) post about illegal download. Rob has a point that downloading ilegally is in easy sneaky stealing because your getting something without paying for it like you should. This effects the music, film and entertainment industry worst because people are getting something for free when they shouldn't so thier profits are lost and their effort and time wasted.
To be truthfull we all download stuff illegally from the internet because it's soo easy to do so. And as the risk of getting caught is the absolute minimum, they why should people fear it and stop. In todays world nobody can afford all the luxuries they were used to and as such getting something for free feels even better than it used to, because we appreciate it more. However stealing is wrong (bad) no matter what even something as little as downloading one song illegally is still stealing.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

body modification response

This is a response to Denise Clarke's post in her blogg titled BAD BAD BAD. In Denise's blogg she starts of by painting a rather bleak view on tattos and body pierings. However she then goes on to discuss the many different ways to modify one body. The one that intrigued me the most was that women have been modifying their bodies without objection for years. I'm talking about plastic surgery such as breast implants or a nose job. This is an accepted norm in society and as such is free from prejudice in the work place. With a tattoo or peircing an employer can notice this and as such will refuse employment but plastic surgery can go completely unnoticed.
If plastic surgery is an accepted form of body mofification which makes them happy, why can't a tattoo or piercing be acceptable as well because this makes people happy (body art).

Tuesday 5 May 2009

why do drugs

I know that doing drugs can be a life altering experince but when do these people who take drugs know when to stop. Also class A drugs are soo detremental not only to their health but to thier social well being as well. Nobody can function normally while they're on crack cocaine or heroin. I do not believe however that upping the class of a drug would deterr people from doing the drug in the first place. If anything i believe it would increase its appeal and attraction because it is that little bit more dangerous. Cannabis was changed from a Class C to a class B drug on january 26th 2009 because of it's damage to people's health. In today's society cannabis has become alot stronger and as such the fear is that people (more specifically youngsters) will binge smoke to get even more stoned because, like the effects of alcohol, the body builds up its tolerance levels. For example someone who drinks quite often will need alot more alcohol to get drunk than someone who never drinks.

Monday 4 May 2009

The effects a tatto has on getting a job

Employers these days can be more choosy about who they employ. They are less likely inclined to employ somebody who has a large number of tattoos or even one as long as it's on show. A man who was on the doll for years has finally got a job because he had the visible tattoos surgically removed payed for by the tax payers.
I think its unfair prejudice to actually not give them a job because they have a tattoo. Its worrying that people today still prejudge people based on thier appearnce, somebody with a tattoo is as normal as everybody else, they're no different. I can understand why an employer would consider a tattoo as offensive and why any customers would consider it so i dont understand.

Sunday 3 May 2009


It's happening more and more these days due to britains worst recession since the 1930's. In november 2008 there was a 25% increase in the number of shoplifting cases. Also it's not the usual sort who steal anymore, more and more people are resorting to stealing from shops what they can't afford. Often this is stuff they need but just can't afford because of the recession, such as toiletries. It used to be that teenagers were the ones caught of stealing make-up, but there are more first-timers who aren't young either.

To be honest i can't blame them because it is stuff these days to make your money last. I mean what with thousands of people loosing their jobs each week and not enough jobs for everyone, no wonder people are resorting to desperate measures.

Saturday 2 May 2009


What is Prostitution? is it merely the letting ones body for the highest bidder? But what if you don't rent your body at all, only allow them to think sex is the final objective. In my personal opinion prostitution is not wrong it's the causes that are bad. A Woman's life must have must be bad, desperate or fearfull to cause her to resort to selling sex. Most prostitutes are traffiked to this country and or are underage, so they have no choice but to do as they're told. This isn't right because they are basically sex slaves. Also Prostitution may not be the only form of crime they're involved in as it can also be linked to credit card fraud and money laundering. In swindon this year police have been cracking down on prostitution and associated crimes by focussing on the "Kerb crawlers" who fuel the demand for prostitutes. But how do you stop the "sophisticated" kind of prostitution where women mislead men under the impression they;ll recieve sex. These women string these men along for hours, days on end. These men are usually weak minded and have low self esteem, the women are considered to be out of thier league and as such would do anything to keep them. I suppose you could consider these women as sneaky glorified gold diggers.
A new prostitution law will make it a criminal offence to have sex with any prostitute controlled by a pimp. The police however have doubts that this deterrent will in fact not work. I agree becuase how are these innocent men supposed to know that the prostitute they've picked up is controlled by a pimp.

Friday 1 May 2009


Cheating on your partner is unacceptable in my eyes, if you do commit adultery then your not worthy of your partner and they deserve better. I feel that any man or woman who cheats is not worth the time even for the person they're cheating with, because whats goin to stop them doing again. Infidelity is enough in my eyes to warrant a divorce however, no matter how long its been going on or how much it hurt's, murder is wrong. In court men use theirs partners adultery as an explanation for murder, as a cause (provocation), so that they'll get charged for manslaughter instead of murder. In november 2008, discussion into changing the provocation law was not entirely recieved with enthusiasm as one judge (Lord Phillips) was "uneasy" about it. Women's aid is an orgainsation that backs the changes one hundred percent, because it will mean men can't get away with murder any more by blaming it on the victim.
I didn't know this and personally i'm disgusted by it, the thought that some man could murder me and get away with it claiming it was my fault. If a woman commits infidelity then they're not worth it so why murder them. If you still truly love them then give it another go and don't go mental and murder your wife.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

why the world should give up smoking all together

Each year 32,000 people die from lung cancer alone which is mostly due to smoking. I don't get why people smoke when they know they're either killing themselves or causing serious damage to thier health.
Smokers cost the NHS milions every year and worse we , the public, pay for it. I think if you intentionally damage yourself then you should pay for their own health care. Including the thousands they spend on the cigarettes, if a pack of 20 costs £5.30 and you smoke a packet a day that's £1930 a year and £77,200 a lifetime (40 years of smoking). Cutting down still isn't enough to avoid getting lung cancer anyway, after a year of quitting your chances of developing lung cancer are halfed, even if you've been smoking for 30 years.

Friday 24 April 2009


We all lie, its true, some people are better at it than others adn some people build thier lives on lies. But why? i don't understand, surely its better to be honest and tell the truth. However often that's not the case, lies are a form of defence mechanism, we lie to protect ourselves and other people. If somebodies life depends upon the information you give with the truth resulting in ther death, would you tell the lie to save them. I'm talking about an ordinary everyday person not a mass murderer or psychopath.

Lying is a part of life as we learn from such a young age due to our parents lying to us to either protect us from the truth or to keep up the stereotype. Our parents lie to us about father christmas and the tooth fairy which is stereotypically done throughout our society.

Lying though can also cause misery and anger, in december 2008 an baby sitter (pictured above) who was accused of mudering the child was in fact lying to cover up the truth which was that the child had been left in the house on its own which is when the head injury (eventually killing him) had occured. She lied to protect the mother. If she had told the truth from the very biggining doctors could have saved the childs life or the babysitter wouldn't have been charged for a murder that never occured and the mother would have been done for neglect.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

response to Laura's post about graffiti

I think graffiti is only "bad" if it is intended to offend or intimitate people. I agree with Laura that some graffiti can be amazing works of art and some are worth alot of money. A family in norfolk living in a converted lorry trailer sold their home in auction for £500,000 because it had a massive mural painted on the side by renown graffiti artist Bansky.
Gang tags however are "bad" they are such an eyesore, and what are they for exactly because it doesn't look"big" all it shows is that they can draw like a toddler.

Friday 17 April 2009

Bridegroom stalker jailed.

Louis palmer was a man on his stag night and as a result was extremly drunk. What he did though was unforgiveably regarless of the amount of alcohol he had that night. The judge said he stalked the woman (in her thirties) in a predatory was then went on to violently assault her. Given the amount of alcohol he consumed on his stag night, he most likely wasn't himself and as such didn't know what he was doing and was running on his primary drives. The CCTV showed him stalking the woman for 20 minutes before sexualy assaulting her. His fiance knew what he had done yet stll married Louis Palmer, she cried in court when he was found guilty.
I feel minute symapathy for Louis because he was drunk however what he did to the woman was disgusting and vile, there is no excuse.

Monday 13 April 2009

The sex education show

Recently on channel 4 was a show teaching highschool students across the country about sex that they don't learn in school. Thier aim was to expose the truths about sex that teenagers as young as 11 are experining from porn. In a national survey it was reveaed that 40% of teenagers were watching porn on thier phones or computers. Throughout the tv show (shown on 30th march 2009) it was obvious the kind of filth they were exposing themselves to and how much it has influenced thier perception of sex. The pressure girls are under to look and perform to the expectations boys have made due watching porn. During the show they were shown several pairs of natural breasts and one fake pair (implants), the boys straight away chose the fake pair and labelled them the perfect pairs. Even the girls choose the fake pair and more scary was that 44% of teenage girls were unhappy with thier breasts and 1 in 5 girls were already considering a boob job. Personally for me i was horrified by the results found on the show (30th of march) because the school they were at was my highschool and i knew or recognised all the students and was disgustingly surprised with what they were saying. One students was my sister and asked a question about the size of her brests getting smaller if she lost weight. I couldn't belive that the girls i thought were the "good" girls were obsessed with thier image in comparisson to the ideal image portryaed by the porn image.
The behavoiur exhibited by the boys towards the girls is unacceptable (bad beahaviour)and the truth needs to be exposed to both the public about whats going on, and to the students that sex isn't anything like what they see in porn.
Also porn is linked with masturbaltion as an aid or tool, if teenagers are watcing porn soo young then it is highly likely that they are masturbating at the same time as well. In the survey conducted in class 19% of us first started masturbating between 10-11, which is the highest score, however its consistanly high between the ages 10-13. This could be due to early porn exposure like todays tennagers or not, however it would appear the discovery of masturbation as not on average changed as to what age it starts at.

Friday 27 February 2009

lecture on masturbation

Before this lecture on thursday 26th febuary, i always considered masturbation to be a subject that was never discussed in public, except with ones partner. I knew we all do it as it has become a natural act in our lives. We discover ourselves before any one else can do so, because that way we know what we like and how we like it. Everyone is different, in order for a sexual partner to please you, you yourself need to know what does it for you.
Atleast this is my experience that my boyfriend after a year and a half, is still learning how to pleasure me like i can. And like wise i'm still learning how to please him. i'm talking about mutual masturbation where people in a relationship pleasure each other instead of themselves, and this does not involve intercourse.

Friday 13 February 2009

Shoplifting- why do people steal?

They steal because they are chasing that first high, the feeling (rush), they got when they fisrt stole something from a shop. This behaviour is similar to the behaviour of people on drugs. They continue to take the drug because they are chasing/looking for that first high feeling they got when they took the drug for the first time.

As long as they continue stealing without capture or challenge, they'll keep on doing it because of the dangers and risks that give them a high. Until they are caught, they'll keep on stealing because of the thrill even though you hope they'll stop before they're caught but they need to be caught in order to stop and lose the thrill.

Gold digger- what is a gold digger?

A gold digger is someone that allows somebody else to pay for them all the time, leading them on. These people, stereotypically women, prey on the rich and ugly with low self esteem but big wallets. By using their victims low self esteem against them, they can get practically anything they want. These men , the victims, use the only thing they have, their money, to keep these insanely beautiful women interested. The men give the women everything they want in return for sex and commitment. Which is similar to prostitution, giving out sex in return for money. These women (gold diggers) are nothing but expensive upper-class prostitutes.

Stalking-When does observation become stalking then obsession.

I think its when they turn from obserserving someone to get an interest or start a conversation (noticing something about a certain person) to wanting and/or knowing everything about this person, from their likes and dislikes to their morning or evening rituals. This person doing the stalking must not be a relative or partner because most people know pretty much everything about their partner, and this is not stalking

Wednesday 11 February 2009

I am personally enjoying this module so far. i agree that smoking is indeed something "bad" as it damaging your health and those around you. i mean why smoke when you know full well that your shortening your life. And worse still, shortening the life of someone else.
it's just madness really